Giant River Otter: Jeez!

“The giant otter or giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is a South American carnivorous mammal. It is the longest member of the weasel family, Mustelidae, a “globally successful” group of predators, reaching up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in). Jeez. Atypical of mustelids, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to eight members. The groups are centered on a dominant breeding pair and are extremely cohesive and cooperative. Although generally peaceful, the species is territorial, and aggression has been observed between groups. The giant otter is diurnal, being active exclusively during daylight hours. It is the noisiest otter species, and distinct vocalizations have been documented that indicate alarm, aggression, and reassurance.” {per Wikipedia}{approx.}


A Well-Furred, Rotund Mammal: The Hyrax.

The Hyrax is a rather remarkable creature. To begin with, this rotund mammal pulls off the Fearsome/Cuddly daily double just as convincingly as the Tasmanian Devil, and the Tiger Quoll (See Large-ish Carnivorous Marsupials post). This is no mean feat. But when coupled with the fact that this Well-Furred fellow inhabits the same taxon family as the elephant (!) and, for god’s sake, the sea cow (!!)…one is left with little choice but to sit on the edge of a cliff, and contemplate…